It’s not all over yet in Dundrum, County Tipperary. On Tuesday 13/08/2024 over eighty ‘international Protection Applicants’ were moved into Dundrum house against the wishes of local people who have protested for months outside of the gates of this historic house. Others are scheduled to follow. How many nobody knows but it is likely that it will be more than the total population of the village. Citizens of Dundrum will become a minority within their own community. Is it any wonder that this issue united the entire community. People naturally want their environment to remain safe and for the character of the town and sense of community to be maintained.
“Official Ireland” thinks otherwise. The Public Order Unit, the Dog Squad plus one hundred and fifty Gardai descended on the town to ensure that the legitimate and democratic wishes of the people were ignored. Pepper spray and batons were not needed, yet. There was no real resistance, yet. A stunned and law abiding people were pushed out of the way and the migrants as always got their way. A two tier system, one law for the migrants and one law for everybody else.
But ‘official Ireland’ has one other trick up its sleeve. A fake welcome group that seems to be the brainchild of Sinn Fein, particularly Sinn Fein TD Martin Browne. And a few others like Pat English, Seamus Healy, whose names are on their document along with others. This is the knife in the back stuff, the undermining of a communities credibility and representativeness. Seventeen organisations, none creditably representative, and seventy two individuals have signed a petition calling for a rejection of ‘hate and division’.
The document they released can be viewed hereIMG_5736.jpeg and hereIMG_5737.jpeg
So this organisation is stating that the protests outside Dundrum House were about ‘hate and division’. This is deceit at its very worse, this is calumny at its most insincere. This fake organisation constantly rants about a ‘small loud minority’ which is reference to the Protest group in nearby Clonmel, who they seem to have an unhealthy obsession with, on their personal pages and their vanity page “clonmel says no” while also being opaque and non transparent about themselves.
All that is known is Sinn Fein involvement, their fingerprints are all over it. We have a suspicion of Individual involvement also but we will stick to what we know.
This is an attempt to close down protest on behalf of the government, this is an attempt to belittle and undermine honest citizens who have spent months trying to preserve and protect their villages, This is fake opposition in action and this act of betrayal by Sinn Fein TD Martin Browne will not be forgotten at the next election.
No doubt signs saying ‘refugees welcome in Dundrum’ will be appearing everywhere. I say tear them down, litter is not welcome in Dundrum. No doubt a group will be bussed in to show solidarity with the asylum seekers. The official media will have a lot to say about bravery, inclusiveness, compassion while referring to the legitimate protest as thuggery, far right etc. Language can be powerful and persuasive and the media knows that. Incidentally so do I.
But this is about damage limitation by the state. Newtown taught them a lesson, don’t let the protestors get ahead of you and have a back up plan waiting to deflect debate. Have a fake welcome group to give the misleading impression that there are a range of views within the community, that the protestors only represent themselves and of course represent ‘hate and division’.
Official Ireland and fake opposition cares nothing for Dundrum or the hundreds of other Dundrum throughout our nation. A globalist agenda pulls rank and the rest of us are at the very bottom. Dundrums struggle is our struggle. Support Dundrum, support community, support safety and close our borders now.